Technology Integration

We offer custom sensor modules – including 3D force sensors – for modular integration into your products, massively accelerating the R&D and product development timeline.

Maximum Innovation. Minimum Effort.

Fast Development and Integration Into Any Product

Sensor Modules

We offer custom sensor modules that are unique to your product’s requirements.

Electronics and Embedded Software

Our solution come as a ready to implement package – including electronics and embedded software.

Regular Updates and Enhancements

Critical updates and enhancements ensure reliable functionality – throughout your entire product life-time.

Cutting-Edge Innovations

A cooperation offers you access to patented, cutting-edge sensor technology not available on the market.

Seamless Integration

We guarantee a seamless integration of our sensor modules into your existing products and systems.

9 Months To Mass-Production

Our portfolio of patented and patent-pending sensor innovations help you go-to-market in record time.

1. Free Discovery Call

We identify your unique situation and needs and outline how our solutions can accelerate your product development efforts.

≈ 1 day

2. Specification & Custom Offer

We specify the required sensor module in detail and offer your a custom proposal outlining the costs and milestones transparently.

≈ 1 week

3. Proof-of-Concept

Withing the shortest possible time, we deliver a proof-of-concept prototype that is proves the feasibility of our solution for your unique use-case.

≈ 1-3 months

4. Prototype & Testing

Upon approval of the proof-of-concept, we develop a mass-manufacture-ready prototype that is integrated into your product for intensive testing.

≈ 2-3 months

5. Mass Production

We use the data from the testing phase to refine the prototype into a final mass-production solution. We manufacture the first batch or asssist you in setting up the mass production.

≈ 3 months

Request Your Personalized Quote

Book a free discovery call and secure your personalized quote now. We provide custom proposals for our ready-to-integrate modules that reflect your unique needs.

Marius Schober
International Sales / Co-Founder

+49 15678 616 529